Swooner of the Quarter
We are excited to announce our Swooner of the Quarter for Q4, Liza!
What is Swooner of the Quarter? Swooners can submit nominations, describing why that team member should be nominated and how they have positively influenced the organization that quarter.
Congratulations to Liza on being awarded Swooner of the Quarter. Through her mentorship and recruiting skills, she has not only exceeded in her role as a Lead Technical Recruiter but also pushed other Swooners to be the best they can be!
Peer Quotes
“Where do I even begin? I couldn’t think of a better lead for our team – she is truly the glue that holds both recruiting and sales together. Liza is understanding, resourceful, and helpful beyond belief. She’s there to lend a listening ear on the hard days and is constantly our biggest cheerleader and motivator. Not quite sure where we’d be without her!”
“Liza has been an incredible light on our team since starting at Swoon. She has been a model example of what it means to be a Swooner. She balances her lead responsibilities with grace and empathy while still remaining a top performer within our Major Accounts team. She is consistent with her activity, extremely knowledgeable in IT skills, and a joy to work with. She never has an “I’m too busy” attitude – even when I know she has too much on her plate, she continuously offers to take on more responsibilities. We are so lucky to have her!”
“Liza always brings an optimistic and uplifting energy to the team. Whenever I bring challenging situations to her not only does she consistently provide helpful solutions but she is willing to always go to bat for me. She always goes out of her way to focus on the needs of our team!”